Digital Media

Mediated Identity Construction - page 2

Refereed Articles And Conferences Papers - Conti.

Uridge, L., Rodan, D., & Green, L. (2010). Negotiating conflict and negativity in an online community for recovering heart patients. In F. Sudweeks, H. Hrachovec, & C. Ess (Eds.), Proceedings of the Seventh International Conference on Cultural Attitudes Towards Technology and Communication (pp. 231-246). Vancouver, BC. Retrieved from

Rodan, D. (2009). Large, sleek, slim, stylish, flat screens: Privatised space and the televisual experience. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 23(3), 367-382.

Rodan, D & Lange, C. (2008). Going overboard?: Representing Hazara Afghan refugees as just like us. Journal of Intercultural Studies 29(2),153-169.

Uridge, L., Green, L., & Rodan, D. (2008). Enhancing wellness: HeartNET an online interactive community supporting people with cardiovascular disease. Proceedings of The VARIO Health Conference 2008, Physical and Mental Wellness- Integrative Approaches to Health (pp. 146-151). Joondalup, WA: Edith Cowan University.

Uridge, L., Rodan, D., & Green, L. (2008). HeartNET: Moving towards a transformative space? Proceedings Transforming Information and Learning Conference on Transformers: People, Technologies and Spaces. Perth, WA: Edith Cowan University. Retrieved from

Mummery, J & Rodan, D. (2007). Discursive Australia: Refugees, Australianness, and the Australian public sphere. Continuum: Journal of Media and Cultural Studies 21(3), 347-360.

Rodan, D. (2007). Desperate Housewives: the popularising of a Western global postfeminism. Illumina 1, 1-10. Retrieved from

Rodan, D & Mummery, J. (2005). Discursive Australia: Public Discussion of Refugees in the Early Twenty-first Century. In M. Fine, N. Smith & A. Wise (Eds.). Proceedings of the 2nd Annual Conference of the CRSI on Mobile Boundaries/Rigid Worlds. Sydney, NSW: Centre for Research and Social Inclusion, Macquarie University. Retrieved from

Rodan, D (2003). Deconstructing the identity of 'women' in the film East is East. Proceedings of the Australian Women's Studies Association Conference on Casting New Shadows. Sydney, NSW: Macquarie University. CD format.

Rodan, D (2000). Deconstructing identities: The social and historical context of Sammy and Rosie Get Laid. In G. T. Espák & S. Tóth (Eds.), Proceedings of the Third Annual Curtin Humanities Postgraduate Research Conference (pp. 149-158). Perth, WA: Black Swan.

Rodan, D. (2000). Testimony, narrative, and a lived life. Balayi: Culture, Law and Colonialism Journal 1(1), 55-75. 

Rodan, D (1999). The problem of legitimation in late 20th century western liberalism: Instances from the Australian context. In J. Damousi & K. Ellinghaus (Eds.), Citizenship, women and social justice: International historical perspectives. (pp.228-238). Melbourne: Melbourne UP.

Steinkamp F., Meunier L., Thompson E., Eldred M., Rodan, D., & Gajjala R. (1997) Gender and postmodern communication. The Monist: An International Journal of General Philosophical Inquiry 80(3), 448-471.

Rodan, D. (1993). Annotated critical bibliography: The intersection of postcolonialism and feminism. Span 37,225-229.