Mediated identity construction
Rodan, D. Ellis, K & Lebck, P (2014). Disability, obesity and ageing: Popular media identifications. London, England: Ashgate.
Rodan, D. (2004). Identity and justice: Conflicts, contradictions and contingencies Belgium, Brussels: Peter Lang Press.
Refereed Articles And Conferences Papers
Mhanna, M & Rodan, D. (2019) Ungrievable lives: Australian print media portrayal of Palestinian casualities during the Gaza War of 2014. Australian Journalism Review 41(1). 117-130. doi: 10.1386/ajr.41.1.117_1.
Clark, K., Cover, R., O'Mahony, L., Rodan, D., & Willson, M. (2018) Introduction: Gender and the everyday: Contemporary communication, culture and media. Outskirts 38, pp.1-3. Retrieved from
Clark, K., Cover, R., O'Mahony, L., Rodan, D., & Willson, M. (2018). Issue editors for Outskirts 38. Retrieved from
Mayyada, M & Rodan, D. (2015). Power and silence: Australian media portrayal of Israeli and Palestinian casualties during the Gaza war of 2014. Refereed Proceedings of The Asian Conference on Media & Mass Communication, The Art Center Kobe, Kobe Japan, 12-15 November 2015.
Rodan, D (2015) Bringing Sexy Back: To what extent do online television audiences contest fat-shaming? M/C Journal 18(3). Retrieved from
Uridge, L., Green, L., Rodan, D., Cullen, T. (2014). A vulnerable community of heart patients re/constructs media stories about cardiovascular disease. In D. Bossio (Ed.), Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association conference: The Digital and the Social: Communication for Inclusion and Exchange Swinburne University, Victoria 9-11 July, 2014. Retrieved
Rodan, D., Uridge, L., & Green, L. (2012) Negotiating a new identity online and offline: The HeartNET experience. In P. H. Cheong, J. Martin & L. Macfadyen (Eds.), New media and intercultural communication. (pp. 139-154). Peter Lang Publishers.
Uridge, L., Rodan, D., & Green, l. (2012), A moderator's dilemma: Munchausen Syndrome by Internet? In C. Anyanwu, K. Green, J. Sykes (Eds.), Refereed Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association conference: Communicating Change and Changing Communication in the 21st Century. Retrieved from
Rodan, D. (2010) Technologies of the self: Remaking the obese 'self' in The Biggest Loser: Couples (Australia). In K. McCallum (Ed.), Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association on Media Democracy and Change Conference. Canberra: Old Parliament House. Retrieved from;
Rodan, D., Uridge, L., & Green, L. (2010). Using nicknames, pseudonyms and avatars on HeartNET: A snapshot of an online health support community. In K. McCallum (Ed.), Proceedings of the Australian and New Zealand Communication Association on Media Democracy and Change Conference. Canberra: Old Parliament House. Retrieved from,-pseudonyms-and-avatars-on-HeartNET.pdf
Rodan, D, Toye, C & Chambers, Z. (2006). Constituting identity of older people in retirement village advertising: Western Australia a case study. In H. McNaughton & A. Lam (Eds.), The reinvention of everyday life: Culture in the twenty-first century. (pp.143-154). Christchurch, NZ: Canterbury University Press